Is it Safe to Use “Conflicted” Instead of Fully Qualifying Namespaces for Package Development in R?
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Is it Safe to Use “Conflicted” Instead of Fully Qualifying Namespaces for Package Development in R?

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When developing packages in R, one of the most common dilemmas is deciding whether to use the “conflicted” package or fully qualify namespaces. This decision can have significant implications for your package’s performance, maintainability, and overall user experience. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of namespace management in R and explore the pros and cons of using “conflicted” versus fully qualifying namespaces.

What is the “conflicted” package?

The “conflicted” package, developed by Hadley Wickham, is a lightweight solution for resolving namespace conflicts in R. It provides an easy-to-use interface for handling conflicts between packages that export identical functions or variables. The package works by creating a “conflict” object, which acts as a proxy for the conflicted function or variable. This allows you to use the conflicted function or variable without having to fully qualify the namespace.

How does “conflicted” work?

Here’s an example of how “conflicted” works:


# Load the conflicted package

# Load the dplyr and MASS packages, which both have a "select" function

# Use the conflicted "select" function without fully qualifying the namespace
select(mtcars, mpg, cyl)

In this example, the “conflicted” package creates a conflict object for the “select” function. When you use the “select” function, “conflicted” automatically dispatches the correct function based on the package you intend to use.

The benefits of using “conflicted”

Using “conflicted” can simplify your code and make it more readable. Here are some benefits of using “conflicted” instead of fully qualifying namespaces:

  • Reduced code clutter: Fully qualifying namespaces can lead to lengthy and cluttered code. “Conflicted” allows you to use shorter function calls, making your code more concise and easier to read.
  • Improved code flexibility: With “conflicted”, you can easily switch between different package versions or implementations without having to modify your code.
  • Faster development: “Conflicted” saves you time and effort by eliminating the need to fully qualify namespaces, allowing you to focus on developing your package.

The drawbacks of using “conflicted”

While “conflicted” offers many benefits, it’s essential to consider the potential drawbacks:

  • Using “conflicted” can lead to namespace ambiguity, making it challenging to determine which package is being used.
  • Performance overhead: “Conflicted” introduces a small performance overhead due to the additional layer of indirection.
  • Debugging difficulties: Debugging issues can become more complicated when using “conflicted”, as it can be challenging to identify the original function or variable being used.

When to use “conflicted” versus fully qualifying namespaces

So, when should you use “conflicted” instead of fully qualifying namespaces? Here are some guidelines:

Scenario Use “conflicted” Fully Qualify Namespace
Development and prototyping
Production code with high performance requirements
Complex namespace conflicts with multiple packages
Simple namespace conflicts with a single package

As a general rule, it’s recommended to use “conflicted” during development and prototyping, when rapid iteration and flexibility are essential. For production code with high performance requirements, fully qualifying namespaces is often a better approach to ensure predictability and avoid potential performance overhead.

Best practices for using “conflicted” in package development

When using “conflicted” in package development, follow these best practices:

  1. Document conflicts: Clearly document any conflicts and the packages involved to ensure transparency and ease of maintenance.
  2. Use meaningful conflict names: Choose descriptive conflict names to simplify debugging and maintenance.
  3. Avoid conflicts with base R functions: Avoid conflicts with base R functions to prevent unexpected behavior and ensure compatibility.
  4. Test thoroughly: Perform extensive testing to ensure that “conflicted” is working correctly and that your package behaves as expected.


In conclusion, “conflicted” is a valuable tool for managing namespace conflicts in R package development. While it offers many benefits, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons and consider the specific requirements of your project. By following best practices and guidelines, you can unlock the full potential of “conflicted” and develop robust, maintainable, and high-performance packages.

So, is it safe to use “conflicted” instead of fully qualifying namespaces for package development in R? The answer is a resounding “yes”, but with caution. By understanding the benefits and drawbacks of “conflicted” and following best practices, you can harness the power of this package to simplify your code and accelerate your development workflow.

# Remember to install and load the conflicted package

Now, go forth and conquer the world of namespace conflicts with “conflicted”!

Here are 5 questions and answers about “Is it safe to use "conflicted" instead of fully qualifying namespaces for package development in R?”

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about using “conflicted” for package development in R? We’ve got answers!

What is the “conflicted” package in R, and how does it work?

The “conflicted” package in R is a clever tool that helps manage namespace conflicts when loading multiple packages with similar function names. It creates a “conflicted” namespace that allows you to access functions from different packages without fully qualifying their namespaces. For instance, if you have packages A and B with a function named “myFunction”, you can use conflicted to access both functions as “conflicted::A::myFunction” and “conflicted::B::myFunction”.

Is using “conflicted” instead of fully qualifying namespaces a safe practice?

While “conflicted” can be a convenient solution, it’s not always the safest practice. Fully qualifying namespaces helps avoid unexpected behavior and ensures that you’re using the intended function from the correct package. Relying solely on “conflicted” can lead to conflicts and errors if not managed carefully.

When would it be acceptable to use “conflicted” instead of fully qualifying namespaces?

Using “conflicted” can be a good option when working on a project with a well-defined and controlled package ecosystem, where you’re certain about the packages and functions being used. It’s also useful for quick exploratory data analysis or prototyping, where speed and convenience take precedence over rigorous namespace management.

What are some potential risks or drawbacks of relying solely on “conflicted”?

Using “conflicted” without fully qualifying namespaces can lead to namespace conflicts, function masking, and unexpected behavior. This can result in errors, incorrect results, or even data corruption. Additionally, relying on “conflicted” can make your code less readable, maintainable, and harder to debug.

What’s the best practice for using “conflicted” in package development?

The best practice is to use “conflicted” judiciously and only when necessary. Fully qualify namespaces wherever possible, and reserve “conflicted” for situations where it’s essential for convenience or speed. Be mindful of the packages and functions being used, and document your code thoroughly to avoid confusion or errors.

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