Mastering Angular Router Reuse Strategy: Using the Same Component on Two Routes
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Mastering Angular Router Reuse Strategy: Using the Same Component on Two Routes

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Are you tired of rebuilding the same component for multiple routes in your Angular application? Do you want to optimize your app’s performance and reduce unnecessary re-renders? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Angular Router Reuse Strategy and explore how to reuse the same component on two routes. Buckle up, folks!

What is Angular Router Reuse Strategy?

The Angular Router Reuse Strategy is a powerful feature that allows you to control how the router reuses or recreates components when navigating between routes. By default, the router destroys and recreates components when switching between routes. This can lead to performance issues and unnecessary re-renders. However, with the right strategy, you can optimize your app’s performance and reduce unnecessary overhead.

Type of Reuse Strategies

Angular provides two types of reuse strategies:

  • Default: The default strategy destroys and recreates components when switching between routes.
  • Reuse: The reuse strategy reuses the same component instance when switching between routes.

Why Use the Reuse Strategy?

Using the reuse strategy can bring several benefits to your Angular application:

  • Improved Performance: By reusing the same component instance, you can reduce the number of unnecessary re-renders and improve your app’s overall performance.
  • Reduced Memory Leak Risk: When components are recreated on every route change, they can lead to memory leaks. The reuse strategy helps mitigate this risk by reusing the same component instance.
  • Simplified Component Logic: With the reuse strategy, you can simplify your component logic by reducing the number of times it needs to be initialized and destroyed.

Implementing the Reuse Strategy

To implement the reuse strategy, you’ll need to configure the Angular Router to use the Reuse strategy. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Import the RouterModule: In your app module, import the RouterModule and configure it with the reuseStrategy option.
  2. Configure the reuseStrategy: Set the reuseStrategy option to 'Reuse' to enable the reuse strategy.
  3. Define Your Routes: Define your routes as usual, but make sure to include the data property with a unique value for each route.

// app.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';

const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'route1',
    component: MyComponent,
    data: { reuse: 'route1' }
    path: 'route2',
    component: MyComponent,
    data: { reuse: 'route2' }

  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { reuseStrategy: 'Reuse' })],
  exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppModule {}

Using the Same Component on Two Routes

Now that you’ve configured the reuse strategy, let’s explore how to use the same component on two routes. In this example, we’ll create a simple component that displays a greeting message based on the route.


// my.component.ts
import { Component, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

  selector: 'app-my',
  template: `
    <h2>Hello from {{ routeName }}!</h2>
export class MyComponent implements OnDestroy {
  routeName: string;

  constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) {
    this.routeName =;

  ngOnDestroy(): void {
    console.log('Component destroyed!');

In this example, we’ve created a simple component that displays a greeting message based on the route. We’re using the ActivatedRoute to access the route data and retrieve the unique value set in the route configuration.

Route Configuration

Let’s take a closer look at the route configuration:

Route Component Data
/route1 MyComponent { reuse: ‘route1’ }
/route2 MyComponent { reuse: ‘route2’ }

In this example, we’ve defined two routes, route1 and route2, both using the same component, MyComponent. The key difference lies in the data property, where we’ve set a unique value for each route.

Now that we’ve configured the reuse strategy and defined our routes, let’s explore how the router behaves when navigating between routes:

  1. Initial Navigation: When you navigate to route1, the router creates a new instance of MyComponent and initializes it with the route data.
  2. Route Change: When you navigate to route2, the router reuses the same instance of MyComponent and updates the route data.
  3. Component Lifecycle: Since the component is reused, the ngOnDestroy lifecycle hook is not called when navigating between routes.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Angular Router Reuse Strategy and learned how to use the same component on two routes. By configuring the reuse strategy and defining unique route data, you can optimize your app’s performance and reduce unnecessary re-renders. Remember to keep your component logic simple and efficient to get the most out of this powerful feature.

Next time you’re building an Angular application, consider using the reuse strategy to take your app’s performance to the next level!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Angular router reuse strategy – use same component on two routes” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about Angular router reuse strategy and using the same component on two routes!

Can I use the same component for two different routes in Angular?

Absolutely! Angular’s router reuse strategy allows you to reuse a component for multiple routes. This is especially useful when you have similar routes that require the same component, reducing the need to create duplicate components.

How does the router reuse strategy work in Angular?

The router reuse strategy works by storing the component instance and its state when you navigate away from a route. When you navigate back to the same route, Angular reuses the stored component instance instead of creating a new one. This helps improve performance and reduces unnecessary component re-creation.

Are there any limitations to using the same component for two routes?

While reusing a component for multiple routes can be beneficial, it’s essential to keep in mind that the component’s state will be preserved across route changes. This means that if you’re using a form or have external dependencies, you may need to implement additional logic to reset the component’s state when navigating between routes.

How do I configure the router to reuse a component for multiple routes in Angular?

To configure the router to reuse a component, you need to set the `reuse` property to `true` in your route configuration. For example, `[{ path: ‘route1’, component: MyComponent, reuse: true }, { path: ‘route2’, component: MyComponent, reuse: true }]`. This tells Angular to reuse the `MyComponent` instance for both routes.

What are some best practices for using the router reuse strategy in Angular?

Some best practices include: using a consistent route configuration, implementing component lifecycle hooks to reset state, and using a router resolver to fetch data only when necessary. Additionally, consider using a routerparams observer to react to route parameter changes. By following these practices, you can ensure a smooth and efficient routing experience in your Angular application.

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